Author Archives: Danielle Azu

G r e e n l e a f

After reading Jones’s “The Black Churches: A New Agenda”, the first thing it made me think about was Greenleaf, the show about black churches on Netflix. Now obviously, the black church isn’t always like that, but some of the things mentioned, like not talking about broader issues and everything being divided into the denomination and causing some conflict is definitely what we see now. The brother’s we are supposed to look out for end up turning their backs on us and it is so wrong.

Talking about big issues in the black community like mental health and homosexuality will always be an issue, but it is starting to become more vocal. Slowly, but surely.

A Man Of Many, Many, Many Words

Malcolm X was a man of many words, cause he had a lot to say (obviously) but Malcolm’s goal was to talk enough to get most of the population talking and one example where it worked was “The message to the Grassroots”in 1963. He did not only address the racism, but conflict within black communities. Not only did he mention lack of intelligence, but also the intelligence of black people and they were pretty upset, but it got them talking. It did boost till later, but it got people thinking. Even though Malcolm X is a man of many words, his words have some meaning.


Everytime I Feel The Spirit!

In this bad quality but well fitting video,

It sums up the life and mission of Mahalia Jackson. Sometimes you just know you’re destined to do something and Mahalia knew she was destined to sing for God. One quote I loved from this reading is when she states ” How can I sing songs for white people to understand when I’m colored myself?” because at the moment she wanted to sing, but she was told that she would not appeal to their understanding, but that’s when she knew that she did not need to sing for them to understand but sing for them to understand her and the voice of other black people that they shall overcome someday.

What I Like About (Black) Jew

Rabbi Matthew is a man very dedicated to his orthodox Hebrew lifestyle and very harsh towards Christianity. But Rabbi Matthew may have had something going on. He saw Christianity as a way to give into the white man’s ploy. He wasn’t wrong. He also knew the origins of  Judaism stemmed from Africa, specifically Ethiopia. But creating a curriculum with the intention of converting most of the African American population is ambitious. Rabbi Matthew saw African Americans as the chosen people of God and thought he could save them. He was able to encourage eight thousand people to join his cause as he did make some convincing points in conversation and in his curriculum but I feel like he’s being a little contradictory as he trying to convert everyone to look into his ideology.

Here is a crash course on Rabbi Matthew ans his legacy

(Link located in Legacy)

Its Hard In These Streets: A History

Rosa Young spoke to me (not literally) because she is the education system, but did it because she wanted to create a school for children “still in the shadow of plantation”and fight the systemic white.  It started with seven children but took a huge increase because of the high demand for parents to want their children educated, but they were in a rural area with little to no resources and so she talks more about her struggle within the piece. As an aspiring educator, it’s already hard enough that I have to go into a messed up school system which is getting more difficult because of who shall not be named but its hard when you want to give children the best and the system is booked against you. She dedicated a lot of time, effort, and money to see this school flourish and a lot doubted her ability, but it paid off. She lead the cause for starting a conversation for inclusion. Every child has a equal opportunity, but it takes a strong spirit to fight so hard for it.

Flavourtown to T. City

Guy Fieri is the President of the Alliance of Cooks at the Culinary Institute of America. He is a 5-star chef accredited for his famous show on food network. He is the Rap King. He is the greatest chef on planet earth. His swag doesn’t go unnoticed wherever he goes. He is also the Mayor of Flavourtown (his own words). An American Buisness Man

From the Flavourtown Archives c.2002


If it tastes really good, and it’s funky, it’s funkalicous. If the guy making it is funky, he’s funkintacious.
-Guy Fieri

Between Conscience and Duty

One of the readings focuses on Peter Williams, a reverend in an episcopal church in New York. He was on a committee that had different opinions when it came to the advancement of black people in his area. Due to this, Bishop Onderdonk, one of his bosses, encourages him to resign for the “peace of the community”. This is one of the classic cases of following your heart because on one hand, you want to be a helping hand within the community to but also know the way it’s being went about is not how you planned it to be and you have your own vision for change, it’s just that no one will listen. Rev. Williams was really trying but I think his fellow committee members saw it and got upset because they wanted to address this project in a conservative way. In his letter, he know the resignation hurt,but he know he did his best to help out his people.

How Far I’ll Go

In our readings this week, the story that caught my eye the most was the story of Nat Turner. Turner performed a religious vengeance by murdering many white people. Some people uphold him to what he did and others, not so much, calling him a “gloomy fanatic” as stated in the passage. Nat did mention growing up with a religious grandmother who he was close to, so I am sure he took the word of the Lord seriously. Maybe taking it a little too far. But his account had me thinking about how far some people will go religiously. I am sure he did not kill in the name of the Lord but using his interpretation of the reading.

There are many stories of crazed religious leaders and people in general but I feel Christians take it a step further. A popular example is the KKK, who uses context from the Bible to justify their racist, xenophobic, and homophobic ideologies and took it to the next level back in the day by trying to start a racial cleansing.

Sometimes, people get a little too into their religious side and it can harm many and that is the complete opposite of the Bible, at least from the New Testament standpoint. But it is up for debate.