Author Archives: Hershelle Clark

Days of Jubilee

I enjoyed this chapter because it was interesting and informative. I thought the chapter did a good job with explaining the events leading up towards some interracial churches. Henery McNealTurner was a prominent African Methodist Episcopal churchman, missionary, legislator, and newspaper editor in the south and it held thousands of people. I did not like how Turner and other African American leaders did all these amazing things but they were mistreated by other people. Turner and other preachers had to be careful what they would say during service or in newsletters because they would either get beaten badly or threatened. In order for this not to happen, people would stand guard in front of the churches and office building so people would not be able to touch these important figures. I enjoyed this reading because in some parts of the south there would be blacks and whites listening to the same preacher during service and it would not be a problem. I did not like how these people would be threatened or beaten just because of what they believe/say. It makes no sense to me what so ever. Just because people have a different opinion from their own, it does not mean they can hurt someone for it.

Sernett Chapter Fourteen

When reading the Sernett chapters, I enjoyed chapter fourteen. The reason for this is because Richard Allen had a kind master. His master was very understanding and did not mind that his slaves were learning about religion. Even though the master was not religious like his slaves were he did participate in activities that they were a part of. For example Allen writes, “When our master found we were making no provision to go to the meeting, he would frequently ask us if it was not our meeting day, and if were not going” (page 141). In this passage it shows that the master is concerned on whether his slaves enjoy going to their classes or not. I really enjoyed the master and how he was able to connect with his slaves. The book even discussed how the master knew going to these classes was a good thing. These classes would not make them revolt. I really enjoyed this reading and what the story was behind it.

Jupiter Hammon Chapter

I found it interesting that the Jupiter Hammon Chapter he was telling the other slaves what do before he died. I liked how he was very direct on what was being said. The one quote that I thought was interesting, “As was depend upon our masters, for what we eat and drink and wear, and for all our comfortable things in this world, we cannot be happy without pleasing them” (African American Religious History, p 36). I just thought this was strange that some people really believed if they obey their masters they will be good with God. I had a really hard time trying to understand this because Hammon was saying this rules like they were the Ten Commandments. If you all obey your masters and these rules God will love you. It is crazy because slaves either believed their masters had a connection to God or they were deathly terrified of them. For the people who had bad masters if they were told to obey their masters for however they were treated that is difficult to hear. Honestly, I would be upset to hear what Hammon was saying in order for you to have a good life that is confusing. How can one’s actions determine if you go to heaven or hell? If your master is treating you terribly then I would understand why you would want to disobey them. It’s just interesting to see how people thought back then to now. Although today is not as bad in a sense we still have work to do. I always wonder what life would be like if there wasn’t slavery or racism, sexism, or hate.

I Am Sorry

While reading the three articles I enjoyed the two books because of stories behind each chapter. In the book Through the Storm, Through the Night by Paul Harvey, I love how it explains the story behind the people of Africa and their religious backgrounds. When reading the chapter is angered me to read about how the Europeans treated the Africans and how they were seen as barbaric. Just because people do not practice their faith in the same way as you does not mean you could strip them from their culture. While the white people would take the Africans off their country I felt as if they were entitled to have these human beings. These people have souls, feelings, culture, and history. By taking them off their homeland showed they had no care in the world about how the Africans were being affected. I was very upset on how white people took them and treated them like dirt. No being should be treated in such a disgusting way like of my ancestors were treated.

It was upsetting to read the stories in African American Religious History by Milton C. Sernett because people had cultures, religions, and spirits were strong when they were in their homeland. It was difficult for the Africans to adjust to the New World because they did not know where they were. The story that disgusted me the most was how the next generations would use their Christian faith to help them get out of slavery. The now African Americans would use scriptures as evidence on why there should be free but the white people did not want to hear it. African and African Americans were tired of being treated terribly that some would try to kill their owners in order to be free. It is sickening to read about what my ancestors had to go through and I am sorry. I am sorry that you could not stay in African like you wanted. I am sorry that there were people too lazy to do their own work. I am sorry that you were tortured, hung, raped, burned, and had your spirits broken. I am sorry for all that you went through but, I also thank you. Thank you for fighting back, standing up for what you knew was right in your hearts. I thank you for being strong and for giving the next generations after you a better future. It is because of you that my family and I are here today free like you dreamt about. Thank you for all that has been done. I am proud to say that because of you, we are all better off. Thank you for everything if it wasn’t for you America would not be as it is today. Thank you for starting the fight; we will use your strength and spirits to guide us as we fight ours.